When we go to sleep, it is a time to relax. All our muscles, including our throat muscles, relax too. These relaxed muscles can cause a narrowing of the air passages. If the tonsils or adenoids are large, then this can worsen the problem leading to breathing difficulties and snoring.
Obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA is a result of our air passages being obstructed. It is a condition which affects the airways and how we breathe. The obstruction could be in the nose or the throat or the upper airway and results in not enough air being able to travel to the lungs. This can have a major impact on sleep. Your child may wake several times in the night, albeit, briefly. Of course, this means your child could be more tired and sleepy during the day or even more aggressive or have poor concentration.
In children, OSA tends to be associated with large tonsils and/or large adenoids. Tonsils are located at the back of the throat, whilst the adenoids are located at the back of the nasal cavity and above the roof of the mouth. Both tonsils and adenoids are lumps of tissue which form part of the immune system. Children with large tonsils and/or adenoids are likely to snore and this is what will alert the parent to a potential problem.

Can homeopathy help with snoring? The answer is YES!
Remember, there is NO one remedy for any condition in homeopathy because the homeopath treats the person not the label. And every person is different, and that means they will get a different remedy/remedies from someone else. Homeopathy looks at a bigger picture – very simply, it looks at the person behind the label. Where this is a long term problem, the chances are that acute remedies may only help so far and no more. If that is the case, do consider getting professional help.
So here are a few remedies that you could look at which may help with snoring.
SAMBUCAS: The mouth will be half open whilst asleep, as might the eyes. The nose will be blocked and dry or filled with sticky mucous. Infants will let go of the nipple whilst nursing. Many complaints are accompanied by profuse sweating.
Worse: midnight, lying down with head low
Better: sitting up in bed, motion, wrapping up warmly.
NUX VOMICA: Loud snoring during sleep. Stuffed up nose at night and outdoors. Runny nose in daytime, stuffed up at night., or alternates between nostrils. Very irritable, sensitive to noise, odours, light and touch.
Worse: early morning 3-4 am, cold open air, slightest cause, eating, especially after dinner
Better: free discharges, moist air
LYCOPODIUM: Starting in sleep. When child wakens, is cross and irritable. Restless sleep, frequent waking. Rubs nose. Breathes through mouth. Fan like motion of nostrils. Food and drink regurgitates through nose. Tonsils swollen, with pus and ulceration, starting right hand side. Digestive disturbances tend to accompany any problem.
Worse: Pressure of clothes, warmth, eating
Better: warm drinks, motion, belching
TEUCRIUM: Chronic catarrh. Nasal polyps. Loss of sense of smell. Blocked nose worse on side lain on. Solid lumps from back of nose. Restless sleep, twitching, choking and starting up frightened.
Worse: changes of weather, cold, side lain on, evening and night
Better: open air, sweat
Please remember, if you are worried about your child’s breathing, consult your medical practitioner. If your child’s face, lips, tongue or skin starts turning blue, this is an emergency. Call emergency services or 999 or go to A & E.
For advice on potency and dosage, have a look here:
You are very welcome to get in touch with me for a free introductory call where you have the opportunity to ask questions. You can book your call here, and I look forward to hearing from you